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SINGLES 'SPEED DATING' - Saturday, July 23, 3:30-6:30pm

The club will offer its own one-shot version of 'speed dating' for the adult Singles Ladder on Saturday, July 23rd, between 3:30-6:30pm. For that one day and time only, you will be able to get matched up with others for a number of 1-set matches that will count toward the ladder standings. The simple rules and format will be:

- sign up at the office no later than the previous Thursday, July 21 (or you may not get in)

- have to be in (or get on) the singles ladder (minimum age 14) - do not get onto the singles ladder if this will be your only time playing on it

- matchups arranged by staff member - matching up the closest people in the ladder, when possible.

- guaranteed at least two matches* - they will each be one set to 6

- results valid on the ladder standings

* you can likely play more, as long as opponents are available

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